July begins by taking us deeper into the heart of Cancer season, where we likely find ourselves processing all of the old and new emotions we intellectualized during Gemini season. Cancer season has a way of stirring up the past, almost like it wants us to be sure we feel every bit of it. We may not come out of it unscathed, but ultimately stronger, especially if you allow yourself to focus on that deep rooted, ancestral healing that lives inside the core of your lineage.

 The astrology of July is no joke. It’s one of those months where every single week is packed with planetary movements and transits, and the Mars/Pluto square on July 1st is no exception. There’s tension galore, so be aware of power/control struggles, confrontations and aggression coming from you, towards you, or on the global stage. 

Mars, the planet of action, war and sex, exits Aries and enters the grounded earth energy of Taurus on July 5th. During the Mars/Aries transit, we asserted ourselves with an impulsive, think first, act later mentality. Now with Mars in Taurus, we take those ideas and plans we lifted off the ground and begin to construct a solid foundation around them, creating something practical and built to last. We assert our energy methodically, from a slow, cautious pace.

On that same day, Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the Sun in Cancer, where he’s not very comfortable. Mercury feels foggy here, like a head underwater. It can be hard to find your words, and even when we do, we become overly protective about sharing them. However, intuitively, you can easily pick up what’s not being said, or the underlying emotion of the message that’s being left out. We feel the emotions of the conversations we engage in. 

 The USA is in the middle of its first ever Pluto Return, and believe me when I say, this is a very big deal. To simplify, Pluto has returned to the exact location it was stationed when the declaration of independence was signed. Even if you do not live in the US, the impacts of this return have a ripple effect that impacts the entire world, due to the global economy. When Pluto first hit the exaction mark back in February 2022, the war in Ukraine broke out. Now with Pluto in retrograde motion, he will return back to that same position for a second time on July 11th. As you well know, literally and astrologically we are very much in uncharted territory. We will continue to watch the unraveling of karmic distribution and shadow energies play out so we can face them head on. 

 The Full Buck Moon at 21º Capricorn and the second supermoon of the year lights up the sky on July 13th. Being that this lunation is happening on the Capricorn/Cancer axis, we can expect themes surrounding the balance between home life/work life as well as ‘the individual’ versus ‘the authority’ come into view. The Moon will oppose Mercury and trine Uranus, indicating the illumination of big realizations and revolutionary ideas. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, you guys will be feeling this the most.

 On July 17th, Venus the planet of love, pleasure and finances will exit noncommittal Gemini and enter the binding waters of Cancer. We become particularly sentimental and protective towards the ones we love and are drawn to people that provide us with a feeling of security. In relationships we can experience some ups and downs, simply because we are all feeling extra sensitive. 

 By the 3rd week of July, we can anticipate a lot of intensity as Mercury wraps up his short spin through Cancer and ends his transit with an opposition to Pluto RX on July 18th. Expect deep, intense, conversations, information that presents us with challenges, or the exposure of secrets.

Mercury enters Leo on July 19th where he is super comfortable. Our communication and intellectual process becomes speedy, fiery, and yes, a little argumentative . We communicate passionately and with a flair of drama. This ‘my way or the highway’ type thinking is a tad problematic but will have you expressing all the sentiments that you held back during the Cancer/Mercury transit. On this same day, the Sun in Cancer has his turn opposing Pluto RX and presents us with some kind of crisis or conflict surrounding power and control. There are two options, defend your position, or decide that it’s time to make a permanent change. 

Happy Birthday Leo! The Sun returns home and enters the sign of his rulership on July 22nd. It is here in the fixed fire of Leo where we experience that pure note of the Sun’s energetic expression . After a very emotional Cancer season we swap out the tears and emotions and replace them with self-confidence and determined passion. Whatever ideas you’ve been knocking around are thrown into action. This is the time to take on that leadership role and allow yourself or your work to be the center of attention. Assert yourself. This is a highly creative energy that wants to be seen and recognized for their individual contribution. Spiritually speaking, Cancer Season asks us to heal generational wounds, while Leo season asks us to focus our attention on inner child work.

The New Moon in 5º Leo brings our attention inward on July 28th. It’s time to reflect as we begin a new 28- day lunar cycle. Tension will be felt,  due to a loose T-square that will be suspended in the sky, but an optimistic trine to Jupiter will have us feeling supported as we set our gaze on what comes next. Ask yourself: Where am I lacking self-confidence, or creative expression? On this same day Mercury in Leo squares off with Uranus bringing shakeups, breakups and unexpected communication to the forefront. Jupiter in Pisces stations retrograde and travels back into Aries before going direct again on November 23rd. Collectively, this is a time of reevaluating our ideologies and beliefs, what is our vision for the future?

 On July 31st we close out the month with Uranus, the planet of revolution forming a conjunction to the North Node of fated events. The doors of fate swing open, bringing destined events. Collectively we are breaking away from something big, expect the unexpected.

I wrote much of this before the US Supreme Court unveiled their ruling to dissolve Roe V Wade. Just like many of you, I feel the devastation, rage and fear of its impact. The US Pluto Return is here with the karma, collapsing institutionalized structures not built to last. Consider this the last gasping breath of the powers that be, before we shift the power. Evolution does not go backwards, it’s time to fight for each other and believe me, karma is on our side. 

Stay grounded + call back your energy,

Emily Greene


IG: @rebel_venus_astrology

July Zodiac stones

Cancer Zodiac Stone: Jun 22 - Jul 22: Emerald

Emotional and loving, intuitive and imaginative, shrewd and cautious, protective and sympathetic. 

Leo Zodiac Stone: Jul 23 - Aug 23 : Onyx

Generous and warmhearted, creative and enthusiastic, broad-minded and expansive, faithful and loving.  

Discover your zodiac power with mystical stones tailored to your sign & personality in our Zodiac Stone Guide. An essential resource for jewelry lovers seeking to embrace their magic. 
Get yours today!

July 06, 2022 — Alex Camacho