I am so excited to be back to our Goddess series after a short break, and what better way to jump back in than a Lilith Inspired Collection!
"One of the oldest known Goddesses, Lilith is a spirit of great ferocity, great defiance, and great, undying enigma."
- Tamed Wild Blog
Lilith's origin story is one of mystery that comes with many legends surrounding who she is and where she came from, Some describe Lilith as a winged demon and others say that she’s a dark Goddess. There are also myths that portray her as a Goddess of agriculture, while other tales paint her as a great Mother Goddess, long ago demonized by the church.
What I love about Lilith is that like all women, she can be all those things at once. Women aren't one dimensional beings, we are sisters, bosses, mother's, employees, caretakers, daughters, wives, and everything in between. But because we have that magical ability to wear many hats, we have to remind ourselves to protect the power inside us and stay true to who we are.
Some of you may know this, others may not, but I am a proud Jewish woman (as well as part Native and Mexican). One of the origin stories of Lilith that most spoke to me about her character is a story from Jewish Folklore, and it goes like this:
Lilith was known as Adam's first wife (yes that one) . They were both created by "God" at the same time, made from dust and earth. Now even though they were created "equally", as Adam's wife, Lilith was to obey and submit to him when he wanted. Our girl wasn't having any of that, and demanded to be treated as his equal. When Adam refused, she left the Garden of Eden in search of independence and refused to return, even when threatened. She was the first woman, and the first feminist, choosing herself and her needs over that of a man.
I love this story and it's the heart of the inspiration for the jewelry in this collection. When designing these pieces, it was important to me to show her different sides; darkness, sexuality, heart, independence, fierceness and spirit. I did this by combining a darker design aesthetic with spikes, snakes, and horns in combination with stones and colors associated with Lilith. At the end of the day I wanted to create a collection of pieces that honored Lilith by inspiring power and confidence to those who wear them. I included a lot of very powerful designs as well as show-stopping statement pieces.
Lilith Stones:
- onyx
- red jasper
- obsidian
- red carnelian
- labradorite
- black moonstone
- black tourmaline
- jet
- garnet
- clear quartz
Lilith Colors
- black
- red