After the crashing waves of an emotionally heavy Cancer Season, the sensitivities of the previous Season begin to dissipate as the Sun enters Leo and transitions us from water into fire. With the North Node’s recent entrance into Aries, it can feel as if many of us are heading into new chapters, as we begin to experience new karmic lessons surrounding our self-identity over the next 18-months. However, for right now, we move into this next season as it brings “oomph” and vigor, through moments of high paced energy, followed by periods of rest-like stagnancy that can feel exasperated by the current lineup of 5-planetary bodies that are now retrograde.
This Leo Season will likely feel a little different than previous ones, as Venus in Leo stations retrograde at 28º, the same day that the Sun makes his entrance into Leo. With this energy in mind, you may yourself sifting through some more sobering energies until September 3rd, as themes surrounding values, relationships, finances, self-worth and matters of the heart require us to slow-down, reflect and revise.During this time, you may feel pulled to switch up your look, however I strongly advise against getting tattoos, switching stylists, or making bold changes to your appearance while Venus is retrograde. (Trust me on this one.) Those of you with Leo placements, especially Venus in Leo, as well as Aries Rising and Aquarius Rising, are most likely to experience changes as a result of this transit!
Leo is an energy that does its best work when it can focus on the big picture concept of an idea or plan, which is an excellent way to utilize the energy throughout the Season, as we tap into Leo’s creative spark. Emotional truths and intuitive hits that surfaced in the previous Season triggered shifts that called on us to merge into new beginnings. Now, in Leo Season, we work with the fixed modality of this energy that locks us into these beginnings so we can keep the energy going. Even if we don’t have all of the details hammered out, we embrace Leo’s optimistic viewpoint of “it will all work out” if we persevere, which is symbolized through the Major Arcana ‘Strength’ card in Tarot. However, by July 27th, Mercury joins Mars in Virgo and we can begin to tighten up on the realistic details, as the analytical, perfectionist, energy of Virgo begins to take note of how we are self-managing from a practical perspective. During this time, you may find yourself doing this dance where you go back and forth from focusing on the macro versus the micro. Try to aim for somewhere in between.
On August 1st, the Full Moon in 9º Aquarius and second Supermoon of 2023, illuminates the sky and marks an important turning point for the Season as big karmic energies are presented. The Moon squares Jupiter and creates an urge to expand foundational areas of life through ways that support our individualism and belief systems. Opportunities, ideas or communication that comes through this at this time will require careful consideration, especially if you are working through something challenging, but luckily there is an abundance of energy to tap into. For many of us, this can feel like the final letting go of something. With Venus retrograde extremely active under this Moon, many can experience wildcard energy surrounding relationships and finances that bring breakthroughs for those who have felt stuck. All in all, the energy is hopeful, expansive, somewhat serious and a bit unpredictable. Whatever becomes illuminated during this time will become clearer as the energy unfolds over the next two weeks. Those of you who have planets and angles in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio + Aquarius) will feel this most significantly.
Where the inward expression of the previous Season required focused attention towards the subconscious voices of our emotional worlds, the energy of Leo transitions us from water to fire as it calls on us to merge our innermost truths into our outward expressions. As we allow the authenticity of our emotional experiences to be a vital component of our creative inspiration, the fusion of these energies generate motivational passion that fuels our approach towards our goals and directional aims throughout the Season. For the next month, we take on everything we do with a stronger sense of leadership, as we feel drawn towards projecting our creative abilities and talents out into the world with a stronger sense of confidence, using emotional truths as our main inspiration. Think of this energy as “life imitates art”.
Leo is ruled by the Sun, the source that fuels the creation of energy that is often dictated by the expression of our egos and heart centered beliefs. On one hand, the energy is highly creative, theatrical, spotlight loving and dramatic, while on the other hand, it is forceful-leadership and passion, that is both determined to get its own way but also big-hearted and generous. Leo is the charming energy of a schmoozer who entertains and gets in good with everyone but also the authority, laying down the law and declaring war if she must.
As a result of this fixed-fire-mix, this season can feel like we are responsible for being our own hype man, requiring us to muster up our courage from somewhere deep and stick to our guns, as we move through the astrological obstacles. While much of this Season is about recommitting to the goals we set out to accomplish in the beginning of year, there is a need to embrace our determined mindsets in a way that allows wiggle room and adaptability, especially if you find yourself becoming overly militant in forcing your will. With everyone embracing their fiercest versions, it’s easy to get caught up in a headstrong mentality that comes across as egotistical. That sweet spot can be found when you can maintain that alpha energy while still offering consideration for the opinions of those around you.
During the last week of Leo Season, the New Moon in 23º Leo brings us into an introspective energy on August 16th, that asks us to figure out which Leo “seeds” we want to plant and carry over into Virgo Season. With Venus Retrograde in alignment with the New Moon, we’ve been in a process of re-evaluating our relationships, finances and personal values, in a way that has shown us the weak links. Where have we lacked our own self-love, or allowed others to rob us of our child-like joy or creative spark? As the Moon forms an exact square to Uranus, we can expect this second lunation of the month to bring flashes of realizations, unexpected happenings and moments of rebellion that dislodges us from emotional situations that have no longer filled our cup with what we want, or what we need. As we work with the release, there is a space created for the new possibilities of what we can manifest next. Just like the previous Full Moon, those with fixed signs and angles will feel this most powerfully.
Leo Season reminds us to turn our face up to the Sun so we can feel the power of its warmth. In the energy of Leo, we are reminded of what it feels like to play, create and find joy in the everyday mundane. Throughout this Season, we work through fears of not being good enough and find the strength and courage to project ourselves and our talents out into the world with a sense of pride and confidence in our ability to authentically, self-express. When we allow ourselves to be spontaneous and open to adventure, we open doors to joyful experiences that remind us of how important it is to find pleasure and excitement in our everyday lives. When the ego is healthy, competition becomes a motivation that shows us just how far we can go, when we are confident enough to aim for something, but stable enough to miss the mark and not have our sense of self-worth compromised.
To love with loyalty from the deepest part of our hearts, is to understand that this process does not mean that we will always come out unscathed. It’s the calculated risk we take in the name of being bold, and in hopes that there is something beautiful that will come out of it on the other side. To embrace Leo Season is to understand that while we cannot always control the outcome of situations, we can control the way we handle the blows, so that even when we look into the eyes of our challenges, there is a sense of knowing that no matter which way the pendulum swings, the Sun will eventually shine again.
Happy Birthday Leo, I hope it’s your best performance yet.
With love, Rebel Venus Astrology
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Leo Zodiac Stone: Onyx
July 23 - August 22: Generous and warmhearted, creative and enthusiastic, broad-minded and expansive, faithful and loving.
Traditional Birthstone: Ruby or Peridot
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire Sign
Colors: yellow, purple, orange, red, gold